Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Professors, Tasers, and Tests

Ok, it's been a while... But after the whopping 1 person who told me she enjoyed reading my blog, I decided to shoot for a 2nd entry. Seems like no big deal, but normally I start shit like this and use it a day and forget about it. So a second post, is almost historic. Hell, it is historic.

Let's get this gay stuff out of the way first I guess. Life has been pretty normal. Conquered the world in risk tonight, had a sandwich...You know, the norm. Thank God that's out of the way...

Now, I've been going to class for the most part. I've been trying my hardest to stay awake during Bob Holland's Macroeconomics lectures, but it's an uphill battle. A battle that I usually try to find a nice big rock to hide behind and sleep during. This complex bugs the hell out of me though. Bob Holland is a great man. You can just tell by listening to him talk that he really cares about our future, and is willing to take the extra step to ensure we succeed in his class. Truly a great professor. Boring as hell. I feel awful sleeping in his class...Maybe some type of laser show would spice things up a bit. Give it a shot Bob.

So. I had a management exam tonight. It really kicked my ass. I studied pretty hard for it too. You know, I didn't go nuts, but I was pretty confident walking through those doors (on the way in at least...) The problem is, the professor (who is from Turkey, coincidence? you decide) didn't prepare us. All I had to study was the practice problems listed in the book. Which was fine, I studied them all and didn't just understand the answers, I actually got the concepts for once! Only when I took the exam, it was all over concepts we had yet to discuss. Take a note from Bob Holland and test your kids over what you lecture about.

So by this point, any self esteem I had built up thinking I was smart studying for management was crushed, I went to my statistics review session. I did this because I truly feel it's dangerous to have your self esteem stay in the 0 or positive range for longer then 2 hours. The kids that were at this review, were smart. Which really pisses me off. The TA is up there doing his stats thing on the chalkboard, and there were these kids in the front row...Every time he'd finish a problem, these kids would raise their hands, or just shout out, multiple other ways that he could have chose to solve the problem. These kids are finding 3, 4, sometimes 5 ways that you can solve these shits and I can't even find one. WHY ARE THEY AT THE REVIEW SESSION!? Just to rub it in kids faces who actually need the review!? To top it all off, they were rewarded with extra credit! Oh, and I learned nothing. And the rich get richer folks....Assholes.

Ok, last thing, I promise. I wanted to bring some current world affairs into the picture, since that's honestly all that has happened to me in the past month that is even worth writing about. And yes, I realize that those things probably aren't worth writing about either.

I want to talk about that kid in Florida that got tased. How badass is that to say? I was thinking a lot about where I stand on this issue, and like most things I'm going to take the sissies way out and say I see both sides of the an extent. So the bitch chick university cop had a superiority complex. She loves to boss people around and think she's a hardass. Are you surprised? She's a university policewoman, it's pretty much all she's go goin for her. Don't take this away from her. And some dickhead kid pushed some cops to try to run away so he wasn't arrested and got tased? Yeah? He had it coming. I watched the videos. That kid was being a complete douche. I just wish all douches would get tased. Besides, what's he bitching about? It's not like over a million people have seen him crying "bro, don't tase me!" via "WHAT DID I DO WRONG MAN?!" You're a prick, and you got arrested. Justice is served.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Famous First Post

Hey. So yeah. I guess I'm starting a blog now. I can sit here and and tell you all these fake reasons as to why I started a blog. But I won't. Writers like to say they need a way to express themselves, or they think it may improve their writing skills. That's not me though. I'm going to be honest to the entire two people that I anticipate reading this. I started a blog for 2 reasons. The first was to allow me to complain about shit. There's plenty out there to complain about, and I think my friends are getting sick of my bitching. The second reason is I wanted to be cool and add yet another reason to add to my already extensive list of things to do other then study.

I guess a little background information on me is necessary for any first post. I'm 20 years old and attend Purdue University West Lafayette. I study accounting there and let me tell you, it's extremely exciting. Anyone who doesn't think that sitting in a chair for 10 hours a day staring at an excel spreadsheet cluttered with hundreds of seemingly useless numbers isn't exciting needs to rethink their life.

I'm not going to complain about stupid life problems either. Every little teenager sits on their computer and bitches about how Mike is so hot and Mike is so cool but Mike will never love me because Mike is way too hot for me. Well, fuck Mike! I'm going to talk about assholes on the bus tonight. I ride the bus from my apartment to class and back at least once a day. I don't think anything makes me more angry then getting on the bus and having someone sit in the aisle seat when the window seat is wide open and you are stuck standing. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind standing. It's a 10 minute ride at most. I'm young, and my legs work fine. But when some bitch thinks she's so high and mighty that she can't scoot her stupid blond ass over 2 feet and, god forbid, let some kid she doesn't know sit next to her for 10 minutes on a bus I go nuts.

One time I got on and I was the only person standing. And there was an open seat, but a girl was sitting in the aisle and wouldn't move over. But this girl found it necessary to sit there and stare at me the entire ride home. What was she trying to prove?? If anyone out there is reading this and is a bitch like this, please explain to me what's going through your head, because I seriously am clueless. It took every brain cell in my head to restrain my body from smacking this bitch across the face.

I think the best time though was when I was standing and some girl found it necessary for her Jimmy John's sandwich to have its own seat. I don't know, maybe the sandwich was extremely heavy, or it was leaking Italian dressing through the wrapping (which you really have to be careful of when dealing with Jimmy John's), or maybe she was just a bitch. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's most likely the last option there... I don't think I'm the only person out there that feels the same way about this issue.

That's it for tonight. I'm tired, and still slightly drunk. However, maybe just to lighten the mood I want to leave on this note. This morning at 2 pm I woke up and went to the bathroom. I unzipped my pants and pulled em down a bit and a mosquito flew out. What's with that?